Aqua Nett

Although it is unclear on who was the brain child of AQUA NETT, (each person claims to be the founding member) it is known that there were originally six members in the band: Razzle Rose on vocals,, Wrench on bass, Tommie (The Machine) Gun on drums, Jett Black and Johnny Depp on guitars. Johnny Depp was let go because he was not good looking enough.
By 1986, with their gritty LA party rock sound, and their strikingly androgynous good looks, AQUA NETT quickly climbed the ranks to become LA’s premier party rock band selling out venues like The Roxy ,The Whiskey and the Troubadour and all around the Los Angeles metro area.
AQUA NETT was soon signed on to Glitter Pussy records, a subsidiary of Geffen records, and toured Europe, Japan and was the first American metal band to tour the Soviet Republic. After their world tour, the boys kicked off their first tour of the United States in San Francisco. While in San Francisco Gash met Ti and Doe, founding members of a religious cult called The Heavens Gate. He became aroused with their way of life, and persuaded the rest of the band to join the cult.
Upon joining the cult, AQUA NETT gave up their worldly possessions, cut their hair, and traded in their leather and spandex for the Heavens Gate issue blue jumpsuits. But worst of all, they gave their song rights to their manager who ended up selling AQUA NETT’s songs to lesser hair bands such as Poison, Ratt and Bon Jovi, just to name a few.
AQUA NETT were devout followers of the Heavens Gate cult for ten years until 1997 when Ti announced that the comet Hale Bop was coming close to earth and they would all be leaving the earth the following day. That night the boys decided to have a “last drink” at the local bar and being the partiers that they were, drank too much and passed out in the ally adjacent to the bar, subsequently missing their glorious ride on the comet.
Without their leader and with just themselves they soon drifted apart.
Finally in 2009 VH1 ran a “where are they now” segment about AQUA NETT. One of the guys (each one claiming he was the one) saw the segment and decided to re-torch the band
Today AQUA NETT is vigilantly reclaiming their songs and reinstituting themselves as the world’s greatest hair metal band!
Razzle Rose– Lead Throat
Shredente – Lead Guitar Backing Throat
Jett Black– Lead Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Keys and backing Throat
Wrench – Bass and backing Throat.
Tommie ( The Machine ) Gun – Drums